The outreach section documents selected activities of the researchers, the supervisors and the advisory board of the RTG with particular relevance to our themes and research interests.
Conference paper
Places of proof: Urban testbeds as loci of tech innovation
- Dr. habil. Joachim Thiel
- Prof. Dr. Gernot Grabher
Conference paper
Co-materializing urban climate experiments: Socio-material tensions and dilemmas in the case of Turin
- Dr. Alessandra Manganelli
Conference paper
Nothing will have taken place: Negativity, space, and the apocalypse
Conference paper
Performing the sacred: A dramaturgical account of eco-catastrophist action
Conference paper
Discursive greening: local political debates in urban greening and biodiversity planning and implementation in German and Italian municipalities
Conference paper
Auf der Suche nach ‘Nicht-Pionieren’: Über den fehlenden Überblick, wo und wie kommunaler Klimaschutz nicht passiert
Conference paper
Globalization of urban climate governance and the making of net-zero cities
Conference paper
Interstitiality und raum-zeitliche Verhandlungen der urbanen Transformation
Conference paper
Unveiling ambiguity: The role of maintenance and repair in infrastructural transformation processes
Conference paper
Repairing pipes and fixing plans: The entangled history of Hamburg’s water and energy services
Conference paper
Mediating matters? On infrastructure’s ambiguous role in the production of the urban metabolism
Conference paper
EUmies Awards: ‘Nachhaltige’ Architektur in Europa: Ein systemtheoretisch-diskursanalytischer Ansatz
Conference paper
Public spaces between resonance and affordance
- Melis Günay
- Laura Schöngart
Conference paper
Auf die Probe gestellt: Aushandlungsprozesse in Nahmobilitätsexperimenten
Conference paper
More than traffic: Urban street experiments as arenas of negotiation
Conference paper
Re-entering the social: Urban political ecology, poststructuralism, and ecological imaginaries
Conference paper
Transformative or incumbent futures? How the future of mobility is imagined in transitions research
Conference paper
City-making: The festival as an urban experimental field
Conference paper
Training for urban future-making through playful practices
Conference paper
Same same but different: Large-scale Chinese investment and the (re)making of peripheral centralities in eastern Germany
Conference paper
Socio-spatiality as a methodological lens: Empirical case study of the contemporary social mass housing in India
Conference paper
Activation of 1950–1976 housing projects: Retrofitting within the fragile context of the inland Marche region
Conference paper
Expanding the retrofitting paradigm
Conference paper
Futuristic pluralism of modernist new towns: The case of a steel-manufacturing city in India
Conference paper
Bicycle parking for existing apartment buildings: Practices of transformation
Conference paper
What do we do with all the bikes? Residential bicycle parking in established urban neighbourhoods
Conference paper
Interlocking connections for bending-active timber structures with variable stiffness
- Maren Vielhaber
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Bögle
Conference paper
Efficiency and attitude: On the relationship between lightweight structures and sustainability
Conference paper
Reimagining design for a light environmental impact: The Paper Composition Pavilion
Invited talk
From harvesting grain to harvesting data: The platformization and assetization of agriculture
Invited talk
Leveraging marginality: The creation and valuation of novelty at the periphery
Invited talk
Beyond Uber: The platformization and assetization of industrial production
Invited talk
Das transformative Potenzial großer Projekte: Eine organisationsinformierte Annäherung
Invited talk
Triggering change through the Superilla-Green axis: Urban experimentations, conflicts, and lessons learned
- Dr. Alessandra Manganelli
Invited talk
Lacanian landscapes: Psychoanalysis, geography, and the environment
Invited talk
Urban nature as future-maker: Discourses, practices, and relations in urban future-making through nature-based solutions (NbS)
Invited talk
Undoing colonial legacies by capitalist means? The emergence of Indigenous real-estate development in Vancouver
Invited talk
Greener, denser, and socially liveable? Towards socio-physical liveability in low-income mass housing in India
Invited talk
Real-world experiments in digital urban twins
Invited talk
The making of urban twins: Perspectives into the black box of software development in Hamburg
Arsonists and artisans: Coping with architectural traditions at the centre and the periphery
Public lecture
The notion of community in activist urban praxis: A theory
Panel discussion
Maintenance and repair: A multidisciplinary conversation about an emerging field
From future anticipation to deep-time thinking
PhD seminar
Everyday residential architectures and circularity: Potential and limitations of heritage documentation tools