
Postal address
HafenCity University Hamburg
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg, Germany

For contact details, please see Contact.

Legal form
The HafenCity University, Universität Hamburg, and the Hamburg University of Technology are corporations under German public law.

Legal representative
Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller-Lietzkow (President)

Supervisory authority
Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke (BWFGB)
Hamburger Straße 37
22083 Hamburg

Content responsibility
The spokesperson of the RTG, Prof. Dr. Monika Grubbauer, is responsible for the accuracy of presented content.

Website design
Our Polite Society

Website CMS

With regard to external content, no guarantee is given for its correctness and any liability is excluded. The respective providers are responsible for third-party websites to which hyperlinks are provided. The RTG has no influence on the content and design of the linked pages and accepts no responsibility for these pages. This also applies to hyperlinks from third-party websites to the website of the RTG.

The layout of the homepage and the graphics and images used are protected by copyright. The pages may only be reproduced for private use, changes may not be made, and copies may not be distributed without permission. The individual contributions are also protected by copyright.

Data privacy
Use of the website of the RTG is possible without any collection of personal data. The website does not use cookies.