The outreach section documents selected activities of the researchers, the supervisors and the advisory board of the RTG with particular relevance to our themes and research interests.
- Monograph
Soziologie der Mobilität
- Monograph
The hybrid governance of urban food movements: Learning from Toronto and Brussels
- Book chapter
Planetare Kleinstadt: Perspektiven für eine multiskalare und nichtstadtzentrierte Kleinstadtforschung
- Journal paper
Stretches of imagination at the end of times: Affective workouts against apocalypse
- Journal paper
Selective inclusion: Civil society involvement in the smart city ecology of Amsterdam
- Journal paper
Re-engaging psychology for (more) human geographies of the future
- Journal paper
Points of persuasion: Truth spots in future city development
- Journal paper
The platform approach: Stimulating transformative knowledge creation for the Rhenish lignite mining area
- Journal paper
Urban commoning: An assessment of its aesthetic dimension
- Journal paper
It’s a performance, not an orchestra! Rethinking soft coordination in global climate governance
- Journal paper
Aufstockungen auf Siedlungsbauten der 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre: Eine Potenzialanalyse am Fallbeispiel Hamburger Wohnungsgenossen- schaftsbauten
- Journal paper
Rethinking lightweight: Exploration of circular design strategies in temporary structures