Planetare Kleinstadt: Perspektiven für eine multiskalare und nichtstadtzentrierte Kleinstadtforschung
In: Kleinstadtforschung: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, Editors: Nina Gribat, Baris Ülker, Silke Weidner, Bernhard Weyrauch, Juliane Ribbeck-Lampel
Spatial research and practice often fail to acknowledge the temporal and scale-jumping processes that shape local small-town specificities and their global embeddedness. Through critically revisiting the planetary urbanization concept and employing place-sensitive positions of feminist urban theory, the contribution develops a multi-scalar and non-city-centred framework for future engagement with small towns through providing a relational and dynamic understanding of socio-spatial articulations on the ground. This is illustrated by preliminary empirical research on small-town development in eastern Germany in the light of large-scale Chinese ‘green’ investment projects.
Published in German.

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