Image © Oliver Reetz.
Melis Günay
HafenCity University Hamburg
DFG Research Training Group 2725
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Room: 02.01.09 (Campus Tower)
Melis Günay has been employed as a doctoral researcher at the DFG research training group ‘Urban future-making: Professional agency across time and scale’ since April 2022. Having completed two bachelor’s degrees in Hamburg, one in business administration (HSBA) and another in metropolitan culture (HCU), she graduated from the 4Cities Erasmus Mundus Master in Urban Studies programme, which was taught in Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, and Madrid. Following her studies, Melis worked as a project manager for a pro-European youth organization (Young European Federalists [JEF]) in Berlin and taught 3rd-semester students of metropolitan culture (HCU) on theories of space.