Image © Oliver Reetz.
Kathrin Meyer
HafenCity University Hamburg
DFG Research Training Group 2725
Henning-Voscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Room: 4.109 / 4.106
Kathrin Meyer works at the intersection of architecture and civil engineering, with a focus on urban redensification and the preservation of post-war residential architecture. In 2017 she completed her master’s thesis at the Department of Architecture at HafenCity University Hamburg. In 2017 to 2018 she worked at the Vienna University of Technology in the research project ‘Smarter Citizens Building Tour 2018’, funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund. After a stopover at an architectural office, she started working as a research assistant for Prof. Peter-Matthias Klotz at HafenCity University in research and teaching in October 2019. She recently completed a research stay at the University of Innsbruck in the Department of Energy Efficient Construction.