Building movement, achieving transformation

Conference: XI AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, ‘Building movement, achieving transformation’, Brussels, 19–22 June 2024

Organizers: Alessandra Manganelli, Michiel Dehaene (UGent), Elke Vanempten (VUB), Henk Renting (AERES, NL), Roxana Triboi (LE:NOTRE Institute), Federico Cuomo (University of Turin), Luca Battisti (University of Turin) 

The XI AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference asks how sustainable food can become embedded into socially innovative and transformative movements, strategically supporting the multiple communities imagining alternatives and mobilizing around the sustainable transformation of food systems. Dr. Manganelli is one of the conference organizers. Moreover, she has co-organized two panels: one panel aims to connects the practice of urban experimentation to the struggle of building more sustainable food systems; the second panel aims at establishing a conversation with European and international stakeholders (Eurocities, FAO, EU Commission, Agro-ecology networks, etc.) on the challenge of building better food systems through a functioning multilevel governance.

Banner of the conference. Image © AESOP SFP.
Banner of the conference. Image © AESOP SFP.

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