Past, present and future visions of mobility futures

RTG Urban future-making, HCU Hamburg, 13–17 May 2024

The aim of this workshop was a comparative view of concepts of mobility futures from the past, the present, and the present-future. Based on critical urban research and social science mobility research, we aimed to work out which ideas of the future, i.e. which concepts of society, everyday life, mobility and transport, as well as which social relationships, underlie the respective planning, which role urban planning and technological innovations are at play, and which means are used and planned to realize these visions.

The empirical cases were Wolfsburg and Hamburg. We had a guided tour of Wolfsburg, and in Hamburg, a tour of the Superbüttel project and a presentation on Oberbillwerder.

Till Koglin and Dalia Mukthar-Landgren from Lund University participated as international guests.