Load-bearing behavior of short-fiber-reinforced textile-reinforced concrete for a wrapping process

Authors: Fabian Kufner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Rucker-Gramm, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Horstmann, Erika Hämmelmann-Breul, Frank Breul, Eric Hahn, Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Pachow

In the research project WiFaPu (Wrapping process for highly fiber-reinforced concrete using the example of a pump sump), a new production process for components made of short-fiber-reinforced textile-reinforced concrete was developed. The study investigates the load-bearing behavior via tensile and bending tests of the short-fiber-reinforced textile-reinforced concrete with uncoated AR-glass textile reinforcement. The concrete insertion method, the fiber content and length, and the weave direction of the textile reinforcement significantly influence the load-bearing behavior and crack spacing. Spraying and laminating exhibit lower strength and poor warp crack patterns due to roving lacing. Casting under slight tension leads to higher strengths.

Image © Fabian Kufner.
Image © Fabian Kufner.

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